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Reviving a Career After a Disruption

When you lose your job, you naturally go through a period of uncertainty. Whether you’ve worked at a company for a short time or decades, getting the news you’re no longer needed can be disorienting. You might want to lash out in anger at your former employer. It’s short-sighted, however, to post things on social media that may come back to haunt you. Remain professional and present your best self so you can move on.

Consider Alternatives

Business conditions drive the jobs available and the type of projects that get funded. When economics dictate your career downfall, you need to regroup and look for other opportunities. While you may be able to find a temporary position and return to your original job if business improves, you might find your job simply disappears if technology or outsourcing displaces you. You need to find another way of supporting your family and lifestyle. Give yourself permission to pause and reflect on how to do that.


When you have a setback, it can seem like you won’t be able to get another position or promotion. Through planned networking, guidance from trusted advisers, training, asking for stretch assignments, and negotiation, you can overcome a job loss. You may even find that by taking time to assess your strengths, you can redirect your efforts to a more fulfilling role that enables a better work and life balance.

Leverage Contacts

To find that new role, begin by leveraging your existing contacts. Maintaining a diverse professional network helps you find new opportunities. You may find openings not posted on public sites through your connections, and social media platforms provide numerous ways to make connections.

Build a Career Development Plan

One or more of your contacts may offer a chance to shadow their business. Mentoring and coaching from experts in your field or ones you’re interested in can help you explore ways to expand your current skill set. By identifying new technology or techniques you want to learn, you can build your own career development plan supported by people who want to help you.

Develop New Skills

Online training provides opportunities to develop your skills at any time. New knowledge can help you approach old problems in innovative ways. Taking on new responsibilities, such as volunteer work, can help you create a new career path for yourself.  Many institutions offer free training that can help you develop new, marketable skills.

In conclusion, responding to career challenges requires resilience to bounce back from uncertainty and disruption. Knowing when to accept conditions you can’t control and when to take charge can mean the difference between career success and failure. Tap into your strengths to build your confidence to face searching for a new job, interviewing, and taking on a new role.

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