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Tips For Job Employment

Prepare For A Job Search
If the job market of the past few years has taught Americans anything, it’s that we should always be prepared for the possibility of layoffs. Whether thinking about career advancement or just planning for the worst, it’s smart to prepare now in case an employment change could be coming in the future.

Update Your Résumé
Even if you’re currently employed, it’s important to have an up-to-date résumé that gives a
short overview of your accomplishments. It could come in handy years later when, under stress,
you may have a hard time remembering some of your impressive achievements.

Think About References
When the time comes to switch jobs, who can provide the best perspective about what you’ve accomplished? You should think about the people who could vouch for your skills in the workplace — and always ask them for permission before you list them as a reference on a résumé.

Get Info Before An Interview
Before you go into a job interview, it’s important that you find some information about the
company you might be working for. You want to understand the basics of what the company
does and how your job would fit into that mission.

Always Say Thanks
Your mom will love this tip. After you’ve had contact with a potential employer — and especially after a job interview —it’s important to say thanks for considering you for the job. Not only does it keep you up front in the future boss’ mind, but it’s just the polite thing to do.

Don’t Be Too Pushy
Different employers follow all different time scales for hiring workers, so never assume that you’ll hear back from them within a few days. Some companies may make a hiring decision in 24 hours while others could take months to fill a job. Following up too often or too soon could be irritating.

Follow The Instructions
When you read a job ad, pay attention to how the hiring manager wants to be contacted. If
they ask for résumés by e-mail, they probably prefer computer communications. If they specify
“no phone calls,” you’d be better off following up with a letter. Employers need to know you can
follow instructions.

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