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Your Personal Brand

Marketing yourself in today’s competitive job market requires more than a polished resume and fancy outfit. It takes the ability to represent yourself as a must-have commodity and true difference-maker.

How can you achieve this goal? It’s all about your personal brand. Everyone has one, but it takes some people longer than others to realize what truly comprises their signature skill set, achievements and potential. Let’s take a look at the key components of a strong personal brand.

Cohesive Documentation

Just like a commercial brand, you want your “packaging” to be cohesive and consistent. This includes your resume, cover letter and additional documents. If you are a graphic designer, your documentation formatting should be sleek and reflective of your design style.

For professionals in more traditional sectors, such as banking, business or teaching, you can scale back on the fancy design elements, but your documentation should carry consistent formatting and appearance. Doing so helps hiring managers easily organize and read through your application materials. It also shows them you understand the importance of portraying a professional brand.

A Social Media Presence

Yes, social media is for fun. That doesn’t mean it is off limits to hiring managers and recruiters. Many in the hiring field will check a candidate’s social media profiles before calling them in for an interview.

That’s why it’s paramount to your career success to keep a clean image on all social media platforms. This includes Facebook and Twitter, even though they are less professional-focused than LinkedIn. Refrain from posting photos that put you in a compromising light. Remember, the future of your career might depend on it.

A Rock-Solid Headshot

Speaking of social media, you have mere seconds to make a solid first impression with your profile photos. Instead of uploading a photo of you in a wedding dress or at a concert, opt for more professional options.

Invest in a headshot that presents you as serious about your career. Coordinate with a local photographer for his services and ask him to optimize the size of the photo for social media. You’ll be turning heads in no time.

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